I believe that having freedom with food belongs to you. In fact, I think it is your birthright. 

Seeing women have freedom with food gives me butterflies. This is your life, this is your chance, this is your birthright to take your power back from diet culture.

I give you practical tools, to help you break FREE from every unwanted habit you’ve ever had with food.

When I share a tool, mindset, or strategy, it means I’ve personally used it myself and with my clients so I know with 100% certainty that it works. You have already lost enough time, money and energy because of diet culture and this is your chance to break FREE.

This Is An Online Learning Space

For Women That Want To

Make Peace With Food, Forever!

Wanna Know My Why?

I see YOU underneath the food drama.

I see YOU behind the body image issues.

And, my goodness you are powerful and have magical energy that could be used for a million other things that are way more important.

Let me help you get there.

Let me help you access the YOU that lives underneath all the obsession and shame.

Food Freedom Academy Is For You If...

➙ You love food.

➙ You fear food. 

➙ You want to be in control of food. 

➙ You can’t stop thinking about food. 

➙ You feel obsessed with food. 

➙ You pick at food all day long but never quite feel satisfied. 

➙ You’re tired of hating your body because of food. 

➙ You feel like your sweet tooth is out of control. 

➙ Your day is either good or bad based on what you ate. 

➙ You are constantly rebelling against your own food rules. 

➙ You eat until you are uncomfortably full. 

➙ Your relationship with food makes you feel trapped. 

➙ You feel confused about food because your mind and body speak two different languages. 

➙ You struggle with eating food in a way that doesn’t make you feel good.

➙ You want to have great eating habits that are actually sustainable.

➙ You identify as an emotional eater.

➙ You can’t seem to find balance with carbs.

➙ Eating gets crazy outside the rules of your diet.

➙ Indulging means feeling bad and is associated with guilt.

➙ You want to be normal with food. 

➙ You want food to stop taking up so much brain space. 

➙ You feel like if your habits with food were going well, life would be going well. 

➙ You want to have a sense of neutrality when it comes to food. 

About Soshy

Soshy Adelstein is a wellness coach for women that want to make peace with food and their bodies. Through real talk and compassionate listening, she teaches you how to let go of old beliefs around dieting, eating, exercise and weight so that you can step into new practices to support your best self now. She is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and uses Intuitive Eating and the Health at Every Size approach in her coaching. She is on a mission to make sure that all women feel healthy and beautiful no matter their size, shape, or weight.